Embarking on a journey of self-discovery often brings us face-to-face with concepts that challenge our everyday understanding. Cosmic perception is one such concept. This is a profound, often elusive notion that invites us to look beyond the physical world...
Our minds hold the key to vast, cosmic capabilities, and one of the most profound ways to unlock this potential is through the psychic technique known as remote viewing. This practice extends the natural powers of the mind beyond...
Astral projection, also known as an out-of-body experience (OBE), happens when consciousness separates from the physical body and travels in a non-physical realm or astral plane. Astral projection practitioners of have gained many healing benefits from astral projection, and...
Since antiquity, our ancient ancestors have been both fascinated and frightened by the prospect of death. From their fascination with what happens after death, our ancient civilisations have created a rich tapestry of ancient knowledge and wisdom which has...
Reiki and energy healing may at the first sight appear to be the same. In both energy is channelled from a higher source for self-healing and for healing others. Energy healing uses channelled spiritual energy and Reiki healing also...
Have you wanted to journey to and explore another world? Or become your dream superhero or a God? You may be in luck as there is a recent popular trend known as reality shifting which is popular on TikTok...
There are seven substantial realities or sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Each sub-plane resonates to a different frequency. The higher sub-planes resonate to higher frequencies and the lower sub-planes resonate to lower frequencies. With the highest frequency planes on...
Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process which utilizes psychic ability. It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. It is clear that remote viewing works in complete violation of the accepted "laws" of...
We live in a reality that appears to our senses as three dimensional space that is vast and finite plus a dimension of time that emanates or flows forth through the three dimensions of space. Yet the reality we...