Here you will experience the many methods of meditation and how to apply them to your life and self-healing. You can meditate lying down or sat down, and also stood up, walking, or engaging in any focussed activity. Focus is the key as whatever you focus on becomes your object of meditation in that moment. Take the breath for example. Normally you breathe without being conscious of it. When you focus on your breath with your mind then you are training your mind like a muscle and the more you practice and stronger and longer your meditation focus becomes. In meditation you can also journey to other realms, communicate with your guides and other spiritual beings, receive energy healing, and activate your light body. In this section about meditation on the light codes website, you will discover everything about meditation and its benefits, including DNA and light-body activation, plus instructions on how to meditate more effectively. You learn how to meditate and then use tools and techniques in a daily meditation session which forms part of you essential health and well-being. Soon after you start a regular meditation routine, your energy fields start to heal and realign with the universal matrix. This allows you to gain control of your frequency and vibration and this will start creating long-lasting changes in your DNA. These changes happen because your chromosomes now possess an increased ability of spontaneous healing. Become a master of meditation through guided meditations, learn what works best for you, and tailor your own daily meditation practice. Read on also to discover more about the different spiritual meditations that have arisen from many traditions and also how to connect with specific tantric deities, angels, and beings from other worlds.