We are currently experiencing a global spiritual awakening throughout humanity triggered through a new renaissance of knowledge and wisdom from a synthesis of the spiritual sciences, ancient mystery school knowledge, and modern technology. Here you will learn how to use the technology of light codes and light language to accelerate your awakening and experience conscious oneness and universal love. This category also looks at the role of light codes, divine geometry, and the ascension science of light body activation. Light Codes are multi-dimensional, evolving, and living. They are calligraphic and will heal and activate you in a variety of ways. Light codes represent forms and structures of geometry, mathematics, and extra-terrestrial light languages. They also awaken dormant aspects within your human DNA, helping to align you with the ascension frequencies of energy that are showering planet Earth from the stars and from dimensions beyond the physical veils of reality . They hold and transmit vibrational frequencies that help to bring change to the world assisting humanity on the ascension path back to the source of all creation and reach the vibrational frequency of unconditional love and oneness with all that is. Activate your light body stage by stage and get ready for ascension. Here you will discover everything to do with ascension, light codes, light bodies, and sacred geometry. Explore the meaning of ascension and how it works for you, other souls, and the world. Learn how to use divine and extra-terrestrials light codes for your own spiritual awakening, energy healing, and DNA activation. Shine your light and shoot for the stars.